Pittsburg United Methodist Church

Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Hands....
    A Christ Centered Community

Welcome to our home! Yes, that is what we consider our church to be, a home and family for each of us. 
We still hold to the hope that Christ is not only just a savior of our eternal soul, but also is the answer for our lives today.  We still hold to the importance of family as the foundation of our lives and community.
Within our walls and hearts, all are welcome to come and fellowship with us.  While we do hold the bible as our fundamental foundation, we do realize that all Christians are at different points in the journey to Heaven.  For more information, feel free to come and visit with us anytime!

Worship Schedule

Worship                       9:30 AM
Sunday School           10:00 AM
Women's Bible Study   6:30 PM


United Methodist Church * 300 S Main St. * Pittsburg *  Okla * 74560